
Showing posts from November, 2021

The shark of wall street project

The Shark of Wall Street is an intresting world class NFT gaming Company all over the world that brings varieties of interesting,complete and unique features aimed at expanding the community and crypto investors to take part in this leading project. On the other hand created an NFT gaming plateform called “MAKING MONEY” develop on blockchain by creating tokens on the BinanceSmartChain network, then on the PollyGon Network. It also aims to provide convenience for users, especially in terms of speed in transactions and at relatively low costs. For me personally this is one of the good strategies the team has done because we all also know that the current ETH network is very bad and very expensive. it is not good to take the first start-up at a high cost! on the one hand Shark of wall street has developed very well, growing rapidly and providing solutions for his community. Talking about blockchain games this time I want to tell you that the game “making money” have many golden opportunit


NFTs are phenomenal cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and can’t be rehashed. NFTs can be used to address veritable things like artistic work and land. Tokeninzing these authentic considerable assets grants them to be bought, sold, and traded even more beneficially while reducing the probability of distortion About A Pokemon-spurred NFTs, Pokeworld includes captivated NFT collections, where customers can start to get a couple of things on their hands. Coming soon, Pokeworld will be changed as a play-to-secure NFT game making NFT more huge. We are the NFT project called POKEWORLD, on account of the prestigious experience of our childhood, we really wanted to make our own insight to review these child’s shows that bring us such extraordinary memories. This is A Pokemon-breathed new live into NFT game, Pokeworld includes supernatural NFT varieties, where customers can start to get their hands on specific things. We have made our own arrangements the most difficult way possibl

Tranche is a decentralized protocol for managing risk, and maximizing returns

  Tranche  is a decentralized protocol for managing risk, and maximizing returns. The protocol integrates with any interest bearing token to create two new tokens; a fixed-rate asset that provides stable returns to users looking to manage risk and prefer predictability; and a variable-rate, levered asset that allows users to maximize returns. This post will walk through the mechanics behind Tranche. Debt Seniority & Waterfalls Tranche  brings the concept of debt seniority to decentralized finance. By integrating with interest bearing tokens (e.g. Compound cTokens, AAVE aTokens, Yearn yTokens), and creating a debt waterfall — Tranche creates a low-risk fixed-rate asset (Tranche A), and a high-risk variable-rate asset (Tranche B). We’ll get into what this means in the sections below. Example Waterfall In this section we’ll show how you can convert an extremely risky asset (50% default rate) into two new assets; a stable safe asset and an even riskier asset. In this example, we have f


  SurfMoon is a travel-based redistribution token on Binance Smart Chain. Through utilising smart tax structures that rewards its holders and by building a strong community, the long-term goal of this project is to at some point have a platform where users can compare flights, rental cars, travel insurance, hotels and so on through our platform. The SurfMoon platform will also be doing regular giveaways of package holidays and other travel related products to its lucky holders. SurfMoon is the token on the Binance chain, which will be powered by smart contracts. This token is based on travel. Our goal is to use it as a value center for all kinds pf travel related items, such as flight tickets, hotel rooms, packages and so on. We also want to use this token for redistribution of profit through making these packages available again to the community. To do this we offer many different kinds of partnerships with hotels, airlines, packagers and so on. A large part of our community will be m


  What is Alpha Kombat? AlphaKombat is a Post-Quantum Cryptocurrency built to transform the gaming business with secure, decentralized and proven gaming sense. ALPHA KOMBAT IS A GLOBAL BLOCKCHAIN TOURNAMENT GAME WITH NFT REWARDS, A PLATFORM CREATED TO VALUE YOUR FREE TIME AND PROVIDE PASSIVE INCOME THROUGH MULTIPLE TOKEN UTILITIES AND PLATFORM UTILITIES. AlphaKombat Mission The main goal of launching our platform is to successfully attract rewarded gamers & developers and also provide them with the tools to spread their own game chain and in turn incentivize their users, it can be very powerful. Features in AlphaKombat: Dual player game console — two players can compete from different locations. Betting platform: Other users can bet on the ongoing games they find on the platform. Staking and LP mining. NFT printing with pegged market value. Game merchandise e-commerce platform. Developer console and publishing platform Why You Should join AlphaKombat : Driven by the Power of Blockc